Article Writing Jobs for Writers
PayPerContent needs aspiring writers who can produce well-researched articles for various industries.
Competitive pay and other benefits await our successful candidates.

About Writing Informative Articles
Writers doing this article writing job should provide and explain details on a given topic. They should cover all the pertinent details, specifically the five W’s (who, what, where, when, and why).
Additionally, writers working on this type of content should not try to convince the reader to change their particular opinion or belief. Instead, they should be producing articles that are educational, interesting, and thought-provoking for their readers.
The benefit of informative articles is it helps build trust among site visitors. Free, educational, and easily accessible content on a website persuades readers to visit and engage with the site more often. On top of that, these articles boost traffic to a website, as site visitors want to consume content that is good, compelling, and useful.
What’s Involved in Article Writing
A home-based article writing career is not exclusive for individuals who took up English-related courses. Some full-time employees transition into this career because of the huge advantages it provides. If you’re considering taking up online article writing jobs, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:
Earning Flexibility
The amount of income you get from your freelance article writing job depends on you. If you want to make more money, turn in more quality articles.
No Start-Up Costs Required
You don’t need to save money for start-up costs if you want to become an online article writer. The important requirements you need are a computer, a decent Internet connection, and excellent English skills.
Flexible Working Hours
Unless you need to meet a client-specific deadline, you call the shots with your work hours. You can work in the morning, afternoon, or evening. The important thing is you submit high-quality articles on time.

Article Writing Tips to Help You Get that Home-Based Job
Anyone can write an article. If you’re looking to land a home-based writing job, however, you’ll need to produce a piece that’s high-quality, engaging, and error-free. You can create that kind of article by improving your writing. Here’s how you can hone your skills:

Read Frequently
You learn to write better by reading, so make it a habit to read as many books or articles as you can.
Write Regularly
On top of reading, you need to write on a regular basis. Practice makes perfect.
Keep it Simple
The article you write should be informative and easy enough for your reader to understand.
How Article Writers Get Paid?
Freelance, home-based writers usually submit an invoice to the clients detailing how they want to receive payment for their services. A common and convenient way of getting paid is through PayPal, an electronic alternative to conventional paper methods like money orders and checks. It’s best to have an active account with PayPal, as many clients prefer wiring their payment using this method.
What’s Involved in Article Writing
Interested in this online freelance article writing gig? Here’s what you’ll be doing when you’re writing this type of article:
- Research and choose a topic related to the industry of one of our clients
- Create a sound thesis statement
- Entice your readers with a good opening paragraph
- Mention points of proof along with supporting ideas
- Provide trustworthy sources
- Conclude your article by offering final insights on the topic
Article Writing Requirements
Writers should possess these skills and traits if they want an online article writing job:
- Have a Good Command of the English Language
- Good Research and Time Management Skills
- Can Write for Various Industries
- Can Write Any Topic Related to Our Client’s Products or Services
Rewarding High-Quality,
Informative Articles
We want you to join our talented pool of article writers if you fit the bill. You’ll enjoy support from our editorial team, the comfort of writing your articles anywhere you want, and other wonderful incentives.